第一大类:短期失效模式(Short term failure modes)
1)脆性断裂(Brittle fracture)
2)韧性断裂(Ductile rupture)
3)超量变形引起的接头泄漏(Leakage at joints due to excessive deformations)
4)超量局部应变引起的裂纹形成或韧性撕裂(Crack formation or ductile tearing due to excessive local strains)
5)弹性、塑性或弹塑性失稳(垮塌)(Instability-elastic,plastic or elastic-plastic)
第二大类:长期失效模式(Long term failure modes)
6)蠕变断裂(Creep Rupture)
7)蝴变一在机械连接处的超量变形或导致不允许的载荷传递(Creep-excessive deformations at mechanical joints or resulting in unacccptable transfer of load)
8)蠕变失稳(Creep instability)
10)环境助长开裂如:应力腐蚀开裂、氢致开裂(Environmentally assisted cracking e.g. stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, etc)
第三大类:循环失效模式(Cyclic failure modes)
11)扩展性塑性变形 Progressive plastic deformation
12)交替塑性 Alternating plasticity
13)弹性应变疲劳(中周和高周疲劳)或弹一塑性应变疲劳(低周疲劳)Fatigue under elastic strains (medium and high cycle fatigue) or under elastic-plastic strains (low cycle fatigue)
14) 环境助长疲劳Environmentally assisted fatigue